“SPBCH” (“The Largest Known Prime Number”). Concert
8 January 2015, Thursday 03:00
  • Слайдер для “SPBCH” (“The Largest Known Prime Number”). Concert

On January 8, Erarta presents a concert by “SPBCH” band.

“SPBCH” (translated as “The Largest Known Prime Number”) is a constantly mutating organization. The musicians are not afraid of experimenting and immersing themselves into the murky waters of guitar low-fi, conceptual electronics, and “plastic” rave of the 90s. But what always remains the same is “the binding mixture” of their creativity, expressed by laconic and emotional poetry of Kirill Ivanov, band's frontman. Moreover, almost all “SBPCH” songs are highly quoted both on the Internet and in everyday life.

On January 8, the band will play at Erarta. The date of the concert was chosen not coincidentally: eight is the symbol of infinity.

partners: peterburg2 piterstory paperpaper
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