Dakh Daughters (Ukraine). Concert-Performance
24 May 2014, Saturday 04:00
  • Слайдер для Dakh Daughters (Ukraine). Concert-Performance

For the first time in St. Petersburg, the long-awaited big concert by the bright and extravagant theatre troupe, brought up by the famous "Dakh-theatre".

Created in November 2012 in the Kievan theater "DAKH", "Dakh Daughters" band is a collective of female artists who picked up musical instruments to create a performance celebrating love, freedom and beauty. Members of the collective have found themselves in the neutral territory between song and theatrics — that is, the territory of pure experiment.

"Dakh Daughters" conjures an atmosphere of a French salon, where Mireille Mathieu meets Marilyn Manson. From time to time the girls might shake the public up with "Laibach" growls, but can soften up immediately afterwards, turning into frivolous Hollywood heroines straight from the 50's.

Their songs are based on classics of Ukrainian poetry, texts of Nobel Prize laureates, compositions of their own authorship and pieces from popular hit songs of the past.

Director and art director of the collective — Vladislav Troitsky.

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