Erarta Museum presents a concert of Alla Turovskaya and Andrey Zimovtsev 's "Jazz Classic Trio".
Alla Turovskaya, a jazz singer and an actress from St.-Petersburg, has a sensual jazz voice and a fiery temperament. Her original approach to jazz arises from her actor's ability of reading each song as a story. Alla is a laureate of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Jazz Festival, and a participant of the "Party Citrus Voices" festival (St. Petersburg), "Tautra MIG" (Norway), "Lady in Jazz" (St. Petersburg), and "" (St. Petersburg).
"The Jazz Classic Trio" of Andrey Zimovets is one of the few examples of recreated authentic sound of the American jazz classic from the swing and bebop era. The members of the trio are currently the most popular jazz musicians in St. Petersburg.
Andrew Zimovets — piano;
Egor Kryukov — drums;
Nicholay Zatolochny — bass.
A special guest of the concert Kirill Bubyakin (saxophone) is a famous saxophonist, member of several jazz bands of Petersburg, and one of the leaders and founders of Jazz Phillharmonic Big Band.