The exhibition “Gardens of compromises” featured 17 works, mostly exhibiting for the first time
The works in fact reflect one aspect paradox of the modern perception of reality. A man comes to the world with a solid perception of his nature and harmonious unity of “my body”, “my personality”, “my thoughts” and “my actions”. During the social experience his perception breaks into separate pieces of body, personality, thoughts, and other fragments. For example, body. Even yesterday, it was still a part of the integral whole, and today in the reflection of other people’s eyes it becomes an instrument for social communication, so the other parts of the former integral whole begin to adapt and to tune to the new type of interaction with the outside world. The contemporary world is not ready to accept a person as an organic whole, but only "in pieces". A man has to adapt while losing something very important - the "wholeness."
Maria Agureeva: “I bypassed the reality where ‘the world belongs to men’ into the reality with a relative balance in the gender question: ‘a woman can realize herself by manipulating men, using false promises as the counterfeit currency, and men are ready to accept this kind of payment’ — this is the fragile system of modern social lift for women. And my project ‘Binary promises’ is about it. But the world is rapidly changing, the men are becoming more feminine, that transforms the women. It is a very interesting subject for me to follow and to work with".