Museum Erarta invite you to the personal exhibition of the artist Nikolay Kopeikin, where he represents the painting on the theme of “certain realities of the inhabitants of Magic Federation”. The earliest works are of the 2005, the majority were painted in 2011: all they were created specifically for the project
«Dear friend, I want to tell you about the following:
«The Magic federation» is a discordant non-state system with intractable calculus population, and no less bizarre ethnic composition. Such heterogeneity (among the population of the federation there are snowmen, ugleviki, mermaids and hryusalki, animals, insects, nedotykomka, mryshki, zadirihi, UFOs, people, not people, and other donkeys) is caused by the deep mythological fantasy of their residents, which presents in all areas of modern life: from everyday life to basic science.
The Basic Law of Magic Federation (hereafter MF) mounted in a wooden Book of Concepts and reads as follows: "The law is the taiga, the bear is the prosecutor." The rest, as they say, "the evil one." Within the MF, stretching from left to right hemispheres of our planet, it is a fantastic chaos and widespread modernization of all spheres of life. I, the humble author of these paintings, managed only partially and superficially to capture the most memorable moments from the life of the citizens of the great Magic federation».