“On my way”. Exhibition by Julia Snegova
16 April 2014 — 28 April 2014
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On April 16 Erarta will open a solo exhibition by Julia Snegova “On my way”


“The time feels sacred. And regardless of religions or believes the energy of the universe is percept with high clarity, righteousness, and trembling. This does not mean that we have to calm down. It’s rather a message encouraging moral searches and closer unity with the Spirit.

Contemporary society today is represented by educated, thoughtful, bright, and sensitive Personalities, who receive information from not only books, media and the World Wide Web. More and more people are able to get the necessary information directly from the endless Cosmos and the Universe, which generously rewards the Ones who Search and Acquire. All these abilities are given the humans to strengthen them and to disclose their internal capacities for spiritual growth”.

Julia Snegova

Julia Snegova was born in Moscow in 1970. She chose expressionistic acrylic painting as the main instrument to share her positive emotions, joy, and love. She’s been in art practice since 2012 and there are already over 250 works by the author. Seven of her solo exhibitions were held in Russia in 2013. The artist will personally greet the guests at the opening of the exhibition on April 16.

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