Alexander Podobed
The Smolensk woods, the Belarusian bogs, hills of Sakhalin, grasslands of the Carpathians, the Novgorod boulders and the Karelian lakes became the main milestones of the way of the artist. As a result he began to consider art as a landscape of his own soul. He is an outstanding representative of post- modernism of the 90s, with its declarative use of time references and quotations. Appealing to the origins of painting by Giotto and Pieter Brueghel, to the paintings by Van Gogh and Malevich or nearly contemporary to him Kiefer and Dufy, the artist, however, has a perfectly recognizable face and his own creative style. Representing art as a dialogue with eternity, the author consciously displaces the time coordinates, using equally both secrets of the old masters and the simplicity of children's drawings. Podobed participated in more than 50 exhibitions, performances, promotions and festivals in Russia and abroad, and actively collaborates with theaters, the magazine "World of Design".
Alexander Podobed was born on the 18th of September in 1960 in the village Podosinki, Smolensk region.
He graduated with honors from Uzhhgorod Art School (1976-80), and then from Vera Mukhina Higher School of Art and Design in Leningrad (1982-87). After that Podobed lives and works in Saint Petersburg. Participated in more than 100 exhibitions, performances, promotions and festivals in Russia and abroad, and actively collaborates with theaters.
In the early 90's one of the quietest leaders of the group "SVOI", winner of the All-Union Exhibition "Futurodesign" (CHA, Moscow, 1989), and the festival "Phoenix" (Copenhagen, Denmark, 1996).
Author of the projects:"The Wall of Time", "Aero-Park", "Vozdukh/Air", "Second Invasion of the Martians," "Bridge to Eden," "Almost like people", "Our own people", "RED", "Chess", "Backspace", "GeoWaltz" ,"Light", "WhiteStream".
Member of the group "SVOI" (1987-94) and Fund "Free Culture"
Major projects and exhibitions
- 1990 – Exhibition "SVOI", Marble Palace, Leningrad
- 1990 – Exhibition "Leningrad: Traditions and Perestroika", auction, Hotel Druo, Paris
- 1991 – Festival of the absurd "Sisyphus by Camus", Dresden, Germany
- 1991 – Exhibitions by gallery "Gedok", Munich, Hamburg, Bonn, Germany
- 1992 – Exhibition "Garderop", Central Exhibition Hall Manege, St. Petersburg
- 1996 – Project "Grau Zone" together with the theater "Derevo", Dresden, Germany
- 1996 – Project "Ecology of Culture", festival "Phoenix", Copenhagen, Denmark
- 1997 – Exhibition for the 20th anniversary of the collection, CEH Manege, St. Petersburg
- 2000 – Project "Gagarin", festival " The unofficial capital ", St. Petersburg
- 2001 – Exhibition "Paper Sculpture", The Stroganov Palace, Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
- 2001 – Exhibition " Abstract art in Russia. The 20th century ", Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
- 2002 – Project "Sculpture and Recreation Garden", Anna Akhmatova Museum, St. Petersburg
- 2002 – Project "Plot-3", Suzdal Lakes, St. Petersburg
- 2002 – Exhibition " Petersburg art of the 20th century ", CEH Manege, St. Petersburg
- 2003 – Project “Backspace ”, Museum of Nonconformist Art, St. Petersburg
- 2003 – I Festival of Independent Art, CEH Manege, St. Petersburg
- 2004 – II Biennale of Graphic Art, CEH Manege, St. Petersburg
- 2004 – IV Festival ex-Art and Performance, CEH Manege, St. Petersburg
- 2004 – project “GeoWaltz”, ART-Manege, Moscow
- 2006 – Exhibition “ Collage in Russia. 20th century”, Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
- 2007 – The programm “Performance: outside the theory and practice ”, Museum of Nonconformist Art, St. Petersburg
- 2007 – project ”Perpetuum mobile”, festival “Ploty”, Suzdal Lakes, St. Petersburg
- 2007 – Biennale of Contemporary Art "Dialogues ”, CEH Manege, St. Petersburg
- 2007 – exhibition “ St. Petersburg Conremporary Art”, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow
- 2009 – Project “ The Martian Chronicles ”, festival "The Sea Level ”, CEH Manege, St. Petersburg
- 2009 – Exhibition “This is LUDA”, Loft Project ETAGI, St. Petersburg
- 2010 – Project “Concert| Almost like people ”, S.P. Diaghilev Museum of Contemporary Arts (SPbU)
- 2010 – II Baltic Biennale, Derzhavin Museum, St. Petersburg - Mon Repos Park, Vyborg
- 2010 – exhibition "Las Meninas", Museum of Contemporary Art "Erarta", St. Petersburg
Solo exhibitions
- 1994 – “Expulsion from Paradise” HMTI, St. Petersburg
- 1998 – “Blue line”, Art Gallery 103, St. Petersburg
- 1999 – “Happiness”, Gallery 103, Pushkinskaya 10, St. Petersburg
- 2000 – “ZOOM / One day”, Techno Art Center, St. Petersburg
- 2000 – “Diaries / Letters from nowhere ”, art gallery 103, St. Petersburg
- 2000 – ”Volkhvy”, “Borey” gallery, St. Petersburg
- 2001 – “People”, АRТ-collegium gallery, St. Petersburg
- 2001 – “Four Headless Horsemen ”, art gallery 103, St. Petersburg
- 2001 – “Chess”, Navicula Artis Gallery, St. Petersburg
- 2002 – “Vozdukh/Air”, Museum of Nonconformist Art, St. Petersburg
- 2009 – “Light-project | Light. The Last Supper”,“LUDA” gallery, St. Petersburg
- 2009 – “Transition of Seagulls Through the English Channel ”, Museum of push pin, St. Petersburg
- 2010 – “Concert| Almost Like People”, S.P. Diaghilev Museum of Contemporary Arts (SPbU)
- 2010 – II Baltic Biennale, Museum of Derzhavin, St.Petersburg-Vyborg, Monrepo park,
- 2010 – Exhibition "Las Meninas", Erarta Museum and Galleries of Contemporary Art , St.Petersburg
- 2010 – Project “This is Luda”, Loft-project Etagi, St.Petersburg
- 2010 – Exhibition “oSVOEnie Sibiri”, Krasnoyarsk region.
- 2011 – Project “GeoWaltz”, night of Museums in The State Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val, Moscow
- 2011 – I Minimalist Art Festival MiniFEST, Small Hall Manege
- 2011 – Exhibition "Movement. Form. Dance ", the Russian Museum, Marble Palace, St. Petersburg
- 2011 – Exhibition "My English Grandfather" Small Hall Manege, St. Petersburg
- 2011 – Exhibition "Their-11-11-11," Small Hall Manege, St. Petersburg
- 2012 – Project “AXEfoniya”, Erarta Museum and Galleries of Contemporary Art
- 2012 – II Biennale of Photographic Arts, Russian Museum, Marble Palace, St. Petersburg
- 2012 – Exhibition "Sounding Substance", the Russian Museum, Marble Palace, St. Petersburg
- 2013 – Exhibition "Born to Fly and Crawl", the Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
- 2013 – Exhibition "New Foundations: from Concepts to Minimalism" KultProject, Moscow
Works are in the collections of the State Russian Museum, Central Exhibition Hall "Manege", Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of Nonconformist Art, as well as in private collections in the USA, Canada, France, Germany, Belgium, Russia.