announcements05 December 2024Changes in Exhibition Opening Hours on 7 DecemberIn the Shadow of Ararat on floor 5 of the Exhibitions Wing will not be accessible to visitors throughout the day
announcements03 December 2024Changes in Exhibition Opening Hours on 5 DecemberIn the Shadow of Ararat on floor 5 of the Exhibitions Wing will not be accessible to visitors throughout the day
announcements03 December 2024Erarta Museum Opening Hours During the Winter HolidaysErarta is looking forward to welcoming contemporary art enthusiasts over the entire holiday period
announcements28 November 2024Special Opening Hours of Exhibitions and the Café on 29 NovemberThe café on floor 3 and most temporary shows in the Exhibitions Wing (with the exception of In the Shadow of Ararat, Maksat Shagyrbay. Steppe, and Searching for the Source of the Nile)...
announcements07 November 2024Changes in the Opening Hours of Ali Alışır’s Exhibition on 9 NovemberThe In Motion show on floor 5 of the Exhibitions Wing will not be accessible to visitors throughout the day
announcements23 October 2024Changes in Exhibition Opening Hours on 24 OctoberSome temporary shows on floors 2, 3 and 4 of the Exhibitions Wing will be partially inaccessible to visitors
announcements17 October 2024Changes in the Opening Hours of Ali Alışır’s Exhibition on 18 OctoberThe In Motion show on floor 5 of the Exhibitions Wing will not be accessible to visitors throughout the day
announcements23 September 2024Changes in the Opening Hours of Maksat Shagyrbay’s Exhibition on 25 SeptemberThe show on floor 2 of the Exhibitions Wing will not be accessible to visitors throughout the day
announcements10 September 2024Changes in the Opening Hours of Yuri Rysukhin’s Exhibition on 12 SeptemberThe show on floor 2 of the Exhibitions Wing will not be accessible to visitors from 14:00 to 23:00